Interment Ceremony

When an interment ceremony is to take place, the granite tiles on the columbarium are rearranged to reveal the niche used for the interment. Once loved ones have placed the cinerary urn in the niche along with any mementos, the inner niche is shut and locked .Provide the bereaved with the keys to the inner niche as a keepsake (gold colored keys are available as an upgrade to the standard silver colored keys).

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Ceremony Steps

Place tile divider vertically and place tiles back in grooves to cover unused niches.

Loved ones place cinerary urns and mementos in niche.

Add tiles back in to cover.
Optional Interment Urns are available for purchase and fit inside our B, C, and D niches. Call today for more information.

Revealing the niches and Protecting Personal Remains:
When an interment ceremony is to take place, the granite tiles on the columbarium are rearranged to reveal the niche used for the interment. An authorized person with the correct security instruments and knowledge will be able to access the units. Funeral services can take place at any time of the year and each niche has its own granite exterior tile that can be removed and replaced without disturbing adjoining niches.
Accessing an Individual Niche
- Unlock roof cover
- Push back the roof cover to reveal tiles
- Remove the tiles to access interment niche
- Place the tile divider vertically and place the tiles back in grooves to cover the unused niches
- Loved ones place cinerary urns and mementos inside the niche
Some people regret scattering cremated remains:
Memorials present of method of identifying a place to remember family or other loved ones. An important function of memorials is to provide a sense of closure for those who are grieving. A common issue with scattering ashes is that there is no permanent area or identification to memorialize those who have passed. Without a proper memorial, it is difficult to remember or connect with those who have passed since there are no physical reminders. Seeing a permanent memorial and the name of a loved one will create the opportunity to connect with the deceased. Sometimes areas can change and beautiful areas that are great for scattering ashes will be turned into private areas or construction sites in the future, therefore limiting your ability to use that site as a visitation area. Columbarium gardens will make sure that your loved one will have a permanent and peaceful resting place for years to come.